GHG Tracker

What is GHG Tracker?

The GHG Tracker is a greenhouse gas emissions tracker that was created for the Hawaiian Electric Industries. The purpose of the application is to for users to track the amount of carbon that they have saved or used and introduces users to various alternative vehicles to lower more carbon emissions usage. There is also a community data on the amount of carbon emissions saved from every users in the app that can be viewed publicly. I worked on this project with Daphne Tapia, Anna Campainha, Jackie Wong, Sophia Cruz, Chak Hon Lam, Michael Gainey, Yiwen Chen and Timothy Huo.

To learn more about the application and how to use it click the link: GHG Tracker.

Overall Experience

In this project I contributed a lot on the admin page both on the front end and the back end, and some more back end coding on the sign up page. In the admin page, once the admin has signed in they can see the list of all the users in the application. Searching for the user is easy, they can just search the first or last name of the user through the search bar. Other than the user list in the admin page, the admin can check the community data that shows the amount carbon emissions reduced by every users in the application.

The project was fun and despite being an online class this semester, my team was great in communicating any updates or improvements that we can work on. We all communicated through discord and for every milestone we had enough tasks distributed to everyone, we also all tackled on specific pages and help each other when needed. We used Agile Project Management to meet every deadline we chose as a group and for the class, and issues for our application was distributed enough so no one in the group was not doing work. Some things I would like to improve on this project is adding a way for users to reset their password by sending a number to their email. I thought of adding this into the project, but I realized I need to improve on my back end coding to be able to implement that feature. I also would like to implement a feature where the admin can update the calculations in calculating the amount of carbon emissions because the numbers changed every year and this feature would have been a great add-on.

Overall the project was another great experience in my softare engineering career as a college student. I feel like I learned a lot more because there was a lot of code in this project that I have never implemented from my ICS314 class. Furthermore, we were challenged to keep improving our application, so there was a lot of new things that were introduced to my group and I. The only thing that would have been nice was to see my teammates’ faces since we have only heard our voices, but for an online project, we were able to do a lot in the application and the distance didn’t stop us from communicating as a group and giving our all to the project.